Create an ebook prior to the cash-strapped Christmas holiday season about the exact ways that you've made a few quick bucks and release it for a near-charity price ...
Do you think you'd generate a bit of buzz?
That's what's happening with "My Quick Ideas That Worked".
And I've just read it.
Let me give you an insight to "My Quick Money Ideas That Worked: What I Did To Pay Off A $1200 Loan in 36 Hours, Finance A $2700 Event In 3 Weeks and Earn $331 For 2 Hours of Work".
This report is practically free so there isn't really a "money" investment.
In the mix of all of the ebooks that are released every week on general concepts and "how to" technical books, it's good to instead get a very detailed look at four ideas that one marketer used to create "emergency cash" for his own needs.
Not just ideas they want to sell you on... but ideas and steps that they use for their own needs.
Each idea is actually somewhat different from the other.
He talks of what "sparked" the idea. Why he chose to act on it. What steps he took. Why the strategy was effective. And he has screenshots where needed. It could go into a bit more detail but it certainly doesn't leave much to the imagination seeing as it flows through every point like a conversation.
The entire 71-page ebook reads as if I were sitting in a room with Rob and had him just walk me through a handful of his "quick money ideas that worked".
I think this will be even more welcomed by readers now during the Christmas Holiday "I need money" crunch.
It provides useful emergency-cash information and is practically free. But more importantly, one of Rob Toth's first ideas was last year for his "Christmas money" needs. He needed $1200, wanted $1800 but created over $2100. Sound good to you? That's just one of the 4 detailed examples.
I recommend grabbing a copy.
Visit his webpage to grab it at the Special Holiday promotion price:
NOTE: The reason it's at the "nearly free" price I've mentioned is to generate buzz. Rob knows a thing or two about his marketing but it doesn't make sense for him to keep offering it at the current price for much longer. Check it out before he raises the price.