
I know it has been a very long time since I last updated this blog and I am pleased to announce that I have returned to posting opportunities for Making Money at Home.

Obviously a lot of the information found here is now getting older and so I have started a new blog where I can bring you all the lastest money making news.

Please take a look and join me at:


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Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Want to Make a Million? Read On


You may have already heard about 'the Rich Jerk'. He is well known and admits to being obnoxious, lazy and rude. He says he doesn't care because he's filthy rich.

Well if you're anything like me you probably didn't even give him a look in at the first time you saw his advertisement. I ignored him too. However eventually I did click on and now I have to eat my words and say I was impressed - I joined him and decided to let you in on his secrets too.

Just click on one of the icons above - take a look - see for yourself.

So he tells it 'like it is' - for some reason he just makes me laugh but he also is very clever at what he does and in his way has an excellent business sense.

Be one of the many who have joined him, you may be surprised and glad that you did.

Good luck