
I know it has been a very long time since I last updated this blog and I am pleased to announce that I have returned to posting opportunities for Making Money at Home.

Obviously a lot of the information found here is now getting older and so I have started a new blog where I can bring you all the lastest money making news.

Please take a look and join me at:


Exclusive Gold Member Invitation to ResellRightsMastery.com!

Friday, 21 December 2007



May I take this time to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and a highly profitable New Year.

May you have a truly happy holiday with your families, try not to over indulge with food or drink (or why not!)

I will see you all back in the New Year ready to make some money, if like me, the credit cards will need repaying so the time will be right to work, work, work.

Don't forget to collect your free gifts from the last entry before the site closes, they are free. I never turn down anything free!

So relax, have fun and enjoy life to the full.


Friday, 14 December 2007


To make you smile..........
The holiday season is about to EXPLODE!
And unless you've been hiding under a rock somewhere, chances are that you may have heard a little bit about something called.......Santa Sal's Christmas Giveaway....
literally THE biggest giveaway online....... ever......
And in Sal's sack.... prime products, let me assure you Santa Sal and his 'Boys' have been knocking on doors to get the very best for you to take home this Christmas.
No cheap, rehashed, resell products here....not by a long shot.
These are the BEST giveaway products that you've ever seen.... and might be the best you'll ever see....
SantaSal's giveaway makes 'Oprah's Favorite Things' look like some last minute Wal Mart goodies imported from China......
Especially if you're in business for yourself and working online.
If ever you wanted to find some Christmas Cheer....then this is the time and place to do it....
Get in while you can, it's a 'Christmas Giveaway' and like melting snow...it's NOT going to last forever.
Happy Holidays
Seriously there is no catch.... totally free giveaways

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Jobs and Opportunities for Writers


Today I am going to give you details of a site that has been highly recommended to me.

This one will suit all writers out there.

I understand that there is a small fee to avail of their services, however you can sign up first for 3 months in order to discover if this works for you.

Check them out at: http://www.writethismoment.com

I am not sure how many countries they cover, but as I always say take a look, could be the one for you.

Good Luck

Thursday, 15 November 2007

See Your Profits Soar on eBay

Today I would like to talk about the earnings power to be gained on eBay.

How many of you are tired with trying to keep finding items to list, hopefully sell and then have to pack up and post.

There is an easier way. Some sites will point you towards dropshipping, not recommended, unless you can guarantee finding a company to rely on 100% to send your goods out on time, you could be facing negative feedback. Too risky.

The only positive way to succeed on eBay today is by providing information and no I don't mean eBooks.

I highly recommend that you take a look at a site developed by Jeff Johnson and Rob Pietras.

I firmly believe they have found the answer that so many of us are looking for.

Check them out at: http://www.auctionprofitmachine.com/sales.php?offer=shlumo&pid=1

If nothing else it's worth a read, you may even pick some up some tips of your own.

Saturday, 10 November 2007

Don't Miss This Guide To Work At Home Jobs

Hi everyone,
Today I am quite excited about recommending this website.
A highly valued and respected friend thought I should include this company to pass onto you. I have checked them out and if I say I am not always impressed (and I never pass on those that don't impress me) I would have to admit that this website truly won me over. I always then follow up and ask around my contacts and word of mouth is nothing but praise.
Their professionalism and content is superb.
They have one of the most comprehensive work at home job sites I have ever seen. The information available to you is quite incredible, check out the free reprintable articles that will answer most of your questions on searching for a work at home career.
These are for serious positions, not paid-to-read-emails or data-entry etc.
Please check them out, there are never any up front fees, never any member fees, just jobs.
Visit them at: http://www.workaholics4hire.com/442.html (see below)
I have just checked this link - will probably have to re-check this with them - the page that this opens to appears to be for employers. Oh Man that worked well! However if you scroll to the bottom click on 'home', you will discover the freelance working page. I'm sorry.
Please trust me - it works.
Still worth the visit.

Friday, 9 November 2007

Proofreaders - Researchers - Wanted Now

Apologies for the lack of entries over the past week, does it sound good if I admit that sometimes my workload gets just a little high and maybe I have to concentrate to meet deadlines!
Believe me if you are just starting out on working from home and worry about finding enough jobs to provide an income, let me assure you the home based market is huge. At the start you may feel you work too many hours for too little pay but keep at it, in time you will begin to select the better positions.
The benefits of working from home cannot be understated, working your own hours, setting your own goals. You are your own boss. I love working more at this time of the year, the weather is getting colder, ideal for being indoors. And of course the biggest reason, Christmas is coming, as everyone knows it costs a lot!! So I like to increase my workload at this time of the year and in a month I will expect to clear my desk for about 3 weeks.
Enough of me I hear you cry: Recommendation for today:
Wonderful place for Proofreaders & Researchers and many more positions.
As I always say check them out.

Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Professionals - Work As A TeleCommuter

Okay so today I am going to suggest some serious work opportunities for you.

Don't get me wrong, survey work and the rest can and should be taken seriously, but today is for the highly qualified professionals out there looking to work from their home office.

Would you like to work as a TeleCommuter?

Tjobs have 11 years of experience helping professionals find the right positions.

They are looking for:


Web Designers




& many others.........

The only downside to this company is that they primarily take U.S. job seekers only. Although the posts are online internet based, their employers prefer US workers, however any fluent English speaking applicants can apply.

Check them out at: http://www.Tjobs.com

Hope this one helps some of you.

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Surveys - Cash Paying Sites R Best


I was checking through my card index -

A tip for you, if you are working for a lot of various companies, keep a record of who you work for and more importantly who owes you money!

I use a card index, use different colored cards for the various types of work i.e. surveys, writing, photography, eBay etc.

However as organised as I sound I am only human!!! and I realised I again omitted to tell you about another survey site.

Another one of the good ones FREE to sign up and they pay in cash by cheque.

Check them out at: http://www.onepoll.com

Okay so maybe I had better go back to checking my cards again!

Friday, 26 October 2007

**Intriguing** Make Money Tip For You??

Today I'm wondering how many of you run your own websites or blogs?
If you do I have a super little tip to pass along which is Totally FREE to read and if you take it up, the offer will only cost you $1 - Yep - Not a mistake $1.00
Works in the UK too (and other countries) UK = .50p
And the leads and earnings potential that the $1 idea brings you, will NOT cost you a cent or a penny either.............
Sounds intriguing hey?
Incredible but true....
I signed up immediately, at $1.00 what could I lose. Okay $1.00, but what does that buy these days - not much!!
So if you are now tempted to discover what this is all about, click on the link below, its FREE to read the report and I'll let you decide.............Read on........

Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Insider Secrets of Writing Childrens Books

Calling all authors of children's books

I have a special recommendation for you

Friends of mine are singing the praises of Jill McDougall

who is a highly successful author of children's books

She has written over 100 in the last 6 years!

If you are interested in reading her insider secrets of writing for children, please read these reviews.

You can check her out at: http://shlumo.jmcdougall.hop.clickbank.net/

Makes for a very interesting read, take a look and see.

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Top Money Paid For Handmade Crafts


A little different today, something for all you crafters out there.

Check out: http://www.etsy.com

A huge online marketplace buying and selling all things handmade.

Very similar to eBay but the fees are much lower.

They have about 300,000 items on sale from around 30,000 sellers.

Buy and sell online, feedback ratings for your protection.

If you are creative at home this site could be the perfect place to display and sell your goods, especially in the run up to Christmas.

Well worth a visit.

Monday, 22 October 2007

Professionals Make Money Here

Today I have discovered for you the world's largest online marketplace for freelance talent.
No matter what your special skills are, I am sure you can find help here:
This is just a small look at some of the professions on their website:
Website Design
Graphic Design
Believe me the list is endless, if you are seeking work I serious suggest you check this one out.

Saturday, 20 October 2007

Easy Photography Home Business

This photography business has been highly recommended to me by some friends in the States who are regularly earning money as freelance photographers.

Unfortunately the work is only available at the present time to people living in the USA.

Check out the website at: http://shlumo.sunco.hop.clickbank.net/

All you need is a digital camera and a computer, all work is submitted online.

Travelling locally you photograph house/site etc as requested and forward.

Could be an ideal earning opportunity for you.

Friday, 19 October 2007

Make Money Go FreeLance

Calling all Freelancers


A superb site to help:



Web Designers




& More

Here you will find freelance projects for work at home professionals. Check them out - they could help you.

They do charge a monthly fee but to start you off there is a trial cost of only $2.95.

Thursday, 18 October 2007

Survey Work That Pays In CASH

Hi everyone,

I think I am pleased to say I have returned from my short break.

(No who am I kidding - who doesn't enjoy vacations!)

Well it's back to work, always the good incentive to earn more money towards that next trip away.

I have gathered more places for you but with apologies time is limited for me today so I will start you off with a New Survey Company.

For some time now I have been working with a company who only entered you for prize draws on completion, (not something I recommend but I always feel very loyal to old working contacts and I stayed with them) however they have now set up a new panel.

The Opinium Panel is an international Survey Group. check them out at:


I am not sure of their exact overseas bases or currencies but for the UK they are paying 50p for each survey completed (trust me these aren't long daunting ones!) with cash paid direct to Paypal once your account reaches £20.

As I always say try them out, free sign up, no nothing to lose.

Okay so I'm off to load the washing machine, I'll see you tomorrow.

Thursday, 4 October 2007

Vacation Time

Hi everyone,

Well apologies to all, this post will be quiet for a short time.

I'm off on a desperately needed vacation!

Does it help if I tell you that you can make a living and afford holidays by working online from home? Which ever companies you have tried keep at it, you will find the ones you need.

Please take time to read through some of my past postings, there may be one you missed.

I will return WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 17 See you all then


Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Get Paid for Watching Movie Trailers

Interesting one this one!
This site comes recommended from a friend in the States, not sure how many other countries they cover. Try them out to see if you qualify.
Here you can get paid cash, via PayPal, to watch never seen before movie trailers and complete online surveys.
Free to join and sign up, certainly worth taking a look:

Monday, 1 October 2007

Get Paid to Write on the Internet

One of the most popular and successful Internet Writing Guides today is by Christina McDonald . A highly respected online writer who will show you how to earn an income by writing.

Just by reading her webpage you can claim some Money Making Tips for FREE.

Check her out here: http://shlumo.write2007.hop.clickbank.net/

Saturday, 29 September 2007

Write an Article and Get Paid


Ever thought of writing articles, not difficult to do and here is a site that is looking for well written work.

Free to join check out: http://www.constant-content.com/?aref=12010

You can either submit your own work or take a look at the hundreds of articles that are requested. Topics vary greatly.

Interesting work and a great way to get paid. I highly recommend them.

Friday, 28 September 2007

Get Cash for Attending Focus Groups


A friend of mine has just told me about a company that pays cash for you to attend focus groups.

You can earn £30 -50 for 2 hours work just sharing and giving your views.

I don't know if they are UK only or worldwide.

I myself am just about to try them out. If anyone out there knows anything about them please let us hear your views. I will report how I get on.

I believe they also handle interviews and surveys.

Try them: http://www.sarosresearch.com

Good Luck

Thursday, 27 September 2007

Writers - Earn Money For Your Work

Today I have a site for all the writers and authors out there.
Get paid for articles, product reviews, essays, how to guides, holiday reviews, jokes and much more.
Similar to Helium except all work must first be approved by their editors.
Free to sign up and join
Why not give them a go.
Have Fun.

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Calling all Writers - Get Published


Today I want to introduce you to a publishing house for new and emerging writers:


Calling all writers of - Poetry - Prose - Plays & Film Scripts - Factual - Fiction

They are also running a competition at present, the prize is in cash.

Every writer needs a start, this could be yours.

Try them.

Monday, 24 September 2007

Free Stuff For You - International Company

Okay another day off from working sites!

Things happened after I gave an address for Free Stuff for the UK, I followed this up with an address for the USA. Now I have been asked for International Sites.

Thanks to wonderful friends I have been given a site to pass on:


This site covers UK, USA, Canada, Australia & New Zealand and is updated daily.

Take a look at the awards they have won, impressive.

I have to go now I personally need to follow up on this right now. Check them out.

Friday, 21 September 2007

Freelancers get paid at scriptlance


Calling all freelancers - Have you checked out the opportunities at:


Super site where scriptlance connects you with worldwide business

There are No sign up fees

No monthly fees

No deductions - you pay 5% fee 'after' you get paid!

Certainly worth considering, you have nothing to lose.

Check them out.

Thursday, 20 September 2007



A very different entry today

I wanted to announce that I have joined BlogRush, how many of you reading this post also run blogs? I just read that 20% of blog readers are also bloggers.

I could say how interesting the new service appears to be, if you are interested in joining too, click on http://www.blogrush.com/r18258214 and take a look.

Just one piece I want to mention, unusual for my postings but this is in no way connected to any working from home scheme or money making positions. Purely about blog traffic.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible, thank you.

Wednesday, 19 September 2007



Returning to Survey companies (I'm always forgetting to add someone!)

Try signing up with: http://www.surveyspot.com

You are free to complete as many or as few surveys as you wish, some pay cash, some offer an entry into their sweepstake.

This company is open to residents of the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

I always say check them out.

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Craft Gossip


Today's entry is a little different.

I try to include something for everyone but I know this one is for only a few of you.

Craft Gossip is a website as the name suggests covering all aspects of craft work. They provide information over a network of blogs and are always looking for more writers with experience in various craft topics.

No previous experience necessary and the best part of it is that you get paid.

If crafting is your hobby and passion maybe this could be for you.

Check them out at: http://craftgossip.com

Good Luck

Monday, 17 September 2007

Associated Content

Hi there,

Another interesting one for you today.

Join http://www.associatedcontent.com and submit your own video, text, audio or images.

You submit,

they publish,

you gain exposure and earn extra cash.

Some submissions can earn payments upfront as well as monthly payments.

As I always say check them out, this could be the one for you.

Saturday, 15 September 2007

Book Review

For those of you who are thinking about creating a website/blog or already run one or both, there's a new Ebook I have just come across which is becoming quite famous.

Stuffed full of tips, advice and real information that you can actually use, (Not like some ebooks) this one is a page turner to the end.

The Ultimate SuperTip, written by Harvey Segal is neatly set out, easy to follow, written without hype and not littered with annoying links.

And the cost of this book ?

It's totally FREE!

And it ends with an amazing idea for making you money from the book itself.

Friday, 14 September 2007


Today I want to share something with you, a friend told me of this site and I will honest it is new to me.
However I thought why not sign up and give it a try. Looks interesting to me. I will always try out free to register sites where there is an opportunity to earn money, that's the only way you can find out what works for you and what doesn't.
Their motto is 'the search engine for intelligent life'
It is a question and answer site where you get paid to answer questions.
If anyone out there knows anything of this site please post a comment or if like me you are about to start with them, let us know how you get on.
But I felt it's worth a try.

Thursday, 13 September 2007

Business Opportunities

Today's recommendation is an excellent website for you to check out.

Business Opportunities Classifieds serve the small business and those of you wanting to work from home.

I think you may be impressed if you explore their site. Please use the link for 'boconline' in the column on the right >

I personally submit articles to their site and have always found them to be very professional. But they handle so much more from resources to ideas.

Well worth looking at.

Wednesday, 12 September 2007



Today I would like to show you how you can get paid to write letters.

This is a great opportunity to make money online by writing a press release, a speech or a letter. You can decide whether to supply written letters by request or sell work you have already written.

Payment is $10. per item sold.

US writers are paid by check - International writers paid through PayPal.

Check them out at: http://www.letterrep.com/Writer/writer_index.php


Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Get a Freelancer

Today I thought it was time that we looked at the market for all you professionals out there.

Are you looking for Freelance work as:

**Web Designer


**Copy Writer


****many more professions covered****

Then sign up for free with http://www.getafreelancer.com/affiliates/lancing/

Here you will discover thousands of projects available (on copy writing today I found 220 jobs posted & Website Design 544)

You can select from a list to match your profession, check this company out they really could surprise you.

Another way you could increase your earnings dramatically.

Monday, 10 September 2007


This may sound crazy to you as a way to earn money from home, but believe me it can work.
I actually did this for a while, entered competitions, no money spent, only online. While I wasn't a major winner nor was what I won exactly top high value prizes. I did in fact make money from those prizes by selling them on eBay.
Anything that you can do on the Internet that is capable of bringing in some extra cash can never be ignored.
There are many sites around that for a fee offer to provide you with lists of monthly draws, contests and competitions. My advice: Ignore them. You need to bring in the money, not pay it out. Just do a search for competitions, you will find millions!
The only problem with this type of work, oh and yes I call it work. Believe me you can get hooked. You must watch how many hours you spend entering and submitting because after all there is no guarantee you will win anything. I did it for a short time working on the principle of, if I enter that many surely I must win something. Yes I did. But I couldn't buy my yacht with it!
However if you have completed all the work you have set up for that day and there is some time left then why not use that space and enter something. You never know. You have to be in it to win it!
Good Luck

Saturday, 8 September 2007



The other day I recommended a site offering lots of freebies but I admit the address was for the UK only. So by request I contacted my American friends and they suggested I give you the details of this excellent site.

Check out: http://www.shopfree.com

They are America's leading place to find 100% Free Offers, Samples and Trials.

You can find freebies and free stuff.

Have fun.


Today I thought I would ask if you have ever thought of writing your own eBook?

Before you scream and say I'm not a writer!

All of us have conversations with our friends, phone calls with family. Just imagine writing down those simple easy talks that you hold together. An eBook is written the same way, plain speech, easy to read and understand. Just like writing a letter home.

As for the subject we all are an expert at something - your job, work, career. Hobbies, from fly fishing to stamp collecting. Moms - Oh yes Moms know a lot about raising children and running a home. No matter what your specialist subject is, there is someone else out there who is seeking that information for the first time.

There is an opportunity to earn regular money from selling your own eBooks.

I know that normally on this site I usually only promote ways to earn money without paying out a cent, but sometimes we all need a little help and guidance to learn and grow.

I would like to introduce you to Jim Edwards and Joe Vitale who have written an eBook:

How To Write Your Own eBook in 7 days - they will teach you how to write and publish your own for profit.

check them out at: http://shlumo.7dayebook.hop.clickbank.net/

Friday, 7 September 2007

American Consumer Opinion Panel

By Request I am going to try to include more international companies.

A lot of the Survey Sites I recommend I sometimes quote in £'s, but they often have international sites attached. It is always worthwhile checking companies out for their international offices.

I thought it would be a good time to introduce you to the American Consumer Opinion Panel ** see link box on right hand side >

I have worked for them for some time now and the one big bonus with them is that they pay by check as you complete each survey. No waiting to build up points here. A survey is worth between $4 - 25.

Despite the name 'American' they really are worldwide, please check them out, I think you may be impressed.

Cash Paying Survey Site

I have another survey site for you today, the reason I like this one is because they pay in CASH.

No vouchers here and the minimum payout by cheque is only £20.

Your points quickly grow and with the payout lower than some companies it doesn't take long to claim your money.

As always they are free to join, worth checking out: http://www.homeofresearch.com

For anyone at home completing surveys regularly really can produce a fair amount of earnings when you look back over the month. The beauty of them is you don't have to be a rocket scientist! Everyone has an opinion, you can express yours and they pay you for it.

***If you have any opinions of this site (sorry I can't pay you!) please let me know. Are there any subjects you would like to see more of? I would love to hear your comments.

Thursday, 6 September 2007


Today you can have a day off - why work when there are sites offering you lots of free stuff?
It's true, I signed up a long time ago, there is no catch.
and just entering your email, you will receive free access to:
Special Offers
Free Samples
Discount Vouchers
and much more.....................and it is all totally free......
No I don't know how they do it, but who am I to complain!
Tomorrow I will find some work for you to do, is that a promise or a threat?

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Discussion Groups


I would like to introduce you to taking part in Discussion Groups, check out:


A Market Research Company, they are free to join and you can sign up to their Consumer Directory. It is rare for them to email you directly so this means you must sign on and check out the site regularly.

On their directory page you will find all the work available and you can choose a suitable local location to apply for.

Discussion groups can pay around £45. for an hour or so and you get paid cash on the day.

Home telephone interviews pay about £20. for 30 minutes. Checks sent out after work completed.

The same applies for any Internet survey work they may have, these are rare but you always receive a check promptly.

Certainly worth considering.

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Scam - Warning

I thought it was time that I should speak for a moment on the subject of 'scams'.

Unfortunately there are on the Internet today plenty of sites just waiting to trick you into parting with your money.

The old adage: 'If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is'. Never pay any money in promise of some work, all respectable companies pay you to work. You never hear of any one attending an interview for a career post being asked for money to secure their position, so why should any company request this of you on the Internet. It is just a scam to take your cash.
All of the sites I feature here are free to sign up, they are either companies I personally work for or known to me through friends. Although I cannot guarantee the amount of work you may receive or how much money you could earn, I can confirm that this site will be 'scam free'.
If you yourself have any stories of being scammed or know of anybody who has been, please let me know, I'd love to hear your views.

Monday, 3 September 2007


Today I want you to think about writing reviews.

Reviews about anything in your life.

Products you buy, Films you see, Music you listen to, Places you go, Hotels, Banks, Restaurants (even MacDonalds)


Here you get paid for writing a review of anything.

Their motto is: Everything can be reviewed and every review can be paid.

Their price per review varies, today it was $1.50 and every time someone votes on your review you get another 10c

They pay by PayPal, minimum payout is £50. However if you write regularly this could turn into a nice little extra income for you.

There's no joining up procedure just start reviewing. Easy.

Sunday, 2 September 2007

Join Fotolia

I have further news for you following the photography posting I made a few days ago.

Several of my friends called me to recommend one site in particular. Whether you are looking to buy images for your own web/business use or to add an additional source of income by promoting your personal photographs for sale. Try 'fotolia' > click on the banner to the right for a direct link, I think you might be impressed.

They are free to join and certainly well worth a look.

Saturday, 1 September 2007

ChaCha Guide

This is interesting.


ChaCha is a search engine but with a difference, its run by real live people. If you are looking for information but more detailed than normal then this is the place to start your search.

The earning side for you is to become a ChaCha Guide, where you research the information and knowledge that people are requesting.

The earning potential appears to be on a scale whereby you make your way up each level and increase your rate of pay as you go along.

However if you are looking for something a little different on the Internet today, check them out.

Friday, 31 August 2007

Cashback at Rpoints

Today a simple way to find extra cash.
We all love and need to shop and how many of us these days shop from home online.
Now you can earn cashback for all your shopping you do on the Internet.
Join http://www.Rpoints.com and they will reward with up to 30% cashback when you buy online.
They are a bargain hunting community with over 1800 sites, full of your well known high street stores.
For signing up they offer a £5.00 welcome bonus and you can redeem your payout once you've earned your 1st £1.00
Certainly worth checking out, nothing to lose, free to join.

Thursday, 30 August 2007

Yard Sale

If like me you are always looking for ways to raise that little more cash, never under estimate the power of holding your own yard sale.
eBay and the like are perfect for those smaller collectables but when it comes to looking around the house for all your larger sized unused items, then a yard sale is ideal.
Use your computer to design an attractive poster to display your sale details, print plenty out and distribute around your home area.
Visitors will come, neighbors can be so noisy and will love the chance to pick through your belongings! But you and your handful of cash can have the last laugh!
Do not price anything, use your sales pitch. Get as high a price as you think the buyer is interested. Be prepared to reduce the first suggested cost, everyone loves a bargain. Believe in your goods, no matter how old you know they are. One's man's rubbish is another man's treasure and there's a collector for everything.
Off you go, hunt in that attic, clear that garage. You'll be so surprised at what you can find.
And always remember, have fun....

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Photography for Profit

Calling all budding photographers:

Have you ever thought of selling your photos for profit.

Publishers are always looking for photographs of Babies, Children, Pets, Animals, Sports, Landscapes, Seascapes, Weather........ The list is endless. If you are regularly using your camera, you probably have the kind of shots they need.

Think of all the newspapers, magazines & the media out there, including the Internet, just think how many pictures are required during one week, let alone a year!

I do not today actually have a site to recommend, I asked around but several of my friends told me of too many different places to list here. So I suggest you do what I did, carry out a Google search for stock photo's. There is a huge market and demand for this type of work.

Try it out, if you have any success or comments please leave a reply. Everyone would love to hear your findings.

Good Luck

Sunday, 26 August 2007


Have you ever thought of selling items on
They are not just for books, they sell CD's, DVD, Games and much more.
This is not an auction site like eBay, you set the price you wish to sell your item for and they display it alongside the new product.
Payments are safe, everything is handled through Amazon.
List your goods on their Marketplace, they display, when sold they email you the buyers details, you post item to buyer and your payment is safe in your account, less any sellers fees.
Simple, easy, you can't lose, another way to make money.

Saturday, 25 August 2007

Try myLot


Today I have a fun way for you to earn some extra money.

Check out http://www.mylot.com

A community with discussions, news, blogs and more. Debate current events or find articles to match your interests.
Use the site for searching for what ever you are looking for.
And the amazing thing is they pay you for it.
You get paid cash for contributing.

As you have discovered I only ever recommend you check out any site that pays and this one is certainly interesting.


Friday, 24 August 2007

Extra Survey Site

I keep remembering survey sites for you to check out and this one I should not have forgotten.....Why.....Because they pay very nicely in Cash. Always worthwhile.


They pay £1.00 for every 5 minutes of your time.

My experience with them is that their surveys are not long, I do not know about you but sometimes you do not always want 3/4 surveys in your inbox at 25-30 minutes a time!!

I have found on average each survey is about £3. Your account soon adds up.

Why not register and see what you think.

Thursday, 23 August 2007

Join Triond

Today I would like to introduce you to an exciting & different kind of website.
Here you can submit any work of your own, articles, photographs, videos, original music or podcasts.
They then publish your work on websites and from there you get paid. Again all the time your content is live, royalties will continue to build each and every month.
Earnings are paid out direct to your PayPal account every month in arrears.
Very easy, you create, they publish, you earn.