
I know it has been a very long time since I last updated this blog and I am pleased to announce that I have returned to posting opportunities for Making Money at Home.

Obviously a lot of the information found here is now getting older and so I have started a new blog where I can bring you all the lastest money making news.

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Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Get a Freelancer

Today I thought it was time that we looked at the market for all you professionals out there.

Are you looking for Freelance work as:

**Web Designer


**Copy Writer


****many more professions covered****

Then sign up for free with http://www.getafreelancer.com/affiliates/lancing/

Here you will discover thousands of projects available (on copy writing today I found 220 jobs posted & Website Design 544)

You can select from a list to match your profession, check this company out they really could surprise you.

Another way you could increase your earnings dramatically.

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