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Thursday, 30 August 2007

Yard Sale

If like me you are always looking for ways to raise that little more cash, never under estimate the power of holding your own yard sale.
eBay and the like are perfect for those smaller collectables but when it comes to looking around the house for all your larger sized unused items, then a yard sale is ideal.
Use your computer to design an attractive poster to display your sale details, print plenty out and distribute around your home area.
Visitors will come, neighbors can be so noisy and will love the chance to pick through your belongings! But you and your handful of cash can have the last laugh!
Do not price anything, use your sales pitch. Get as high a price as you think the buyer is interested. Be prepared to reduce the first suggested cost, everyone loves a bargain. Believe in your goods, no matter how old you know they are. One's man's rubbish is another man's treasure and there's a collector for everything.
Off you go, hunt in that attic, clear that garage. You'll be so surprised at what you can find.
And always remember, have fun....

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