
I know it has been a very long time since I last updated this blog and I am pleased to announce that I have returned to posting opportunities for Making Money at Home.

Obviously a lot of the information found here is now getting older and so I have started a new blog where I can bring you all the lastest money making news.

Please take a look and join me at:


Exclusive Gold Member Invitation to ResellRightsMastery.com!

Friday, 21 December 2007



May I take this time to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and a highly profitable New Year.

May you have a truly happy holiday with your families, try not to over indulge with food or drink (or why not!)

I will see you all back in the New Year ready to make some money, if like me, the credit cards will need repaying so the time will be right to work, work, work.

Don't forget to collect your free gifts from the last entry before the site closes, they are free. I never turn down anything free!

So relax, have fun and enjoy life to the full.


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