Over the next two days I will guide you through the process of selling on eBay.
In Part 1 I will show you how to use eBay as a hobby
In Part 2 I will guide you towards operating eBay as a business
Part 1
* The first thing we must assume is that you have an eBay account, if not sign up, it’s very easy, plus you will need a PayPal account. Buyers like to use the protection offered by PayPal, so an account here is a necessity.
* I am also going to assume that you have a digital camera; again buyers like to see a photo of the item listed. It proves you have the goods offered for sale, plus the picture can show the condition, style, colour etc.
* So all accounts opened, camera at the ready, let’s sell.
* First search through your house, attic or garden, all those unwanted gifts or items packed away. Choose something easy to photograph and simple to post to the buyer.
* Take your item into a well lit room and try to photograph as close as your camera will allow without any blurry images. Remember to check any background, stand your item on a sheet to improve the appearance.
* Transfer the picture to a file on your computer.
* Next is to write a description of your item.
* The headline needs to be informative but interesting, grab the buyer’s attention.
* Your item description must be accurate and honest, if there is a mark or dent declare it. The last thing you want is for your buyer to return the goods.
* Research prices on eBay for similar items and start as low as you can, a low starting price will always encourage bidding.
* Weigh your item to work out postal costs do not forget to allow for packaging materials, you can add a small amount to cover all costs.
* EBay has a very clear and easy site to use, log in to sell your item and follow the instructions.
* One final click and your goods are up for auction, now for the fun part. Sit back and hopefully watch the bids roll in. Do not despair if interest seems low there is a lot of last minute activity on eBay.
* Once the auction is over, send your buyer an email thanking them for purchasing your item. Collect payment, post out parcel as soon as buyer has paid. The important thing to remember now is you are looking for positive feedback. Feedback is the life and blood of eBay, so do all you can to keep your buyer happy.
And there you have it, you are an eBay seller. Congratulations.
Now is the time to start selling using the same techniques for all those items you found in the house. It is amazing how much of value we have stashed away in boxes. A good clear out from time to time never did hurt anybody.
So you enjoyed making all that money did you? You can continue and use eBay as a hobby. Search out items at low low prices in places such as car boot sales, flea markets, jumble sales. However only buy what you are knowledgeable about and always remember you will have to recoup the price paid + seller fees + paypal fees and then comes your profits.
But the bargains are there, go on search, sell, retire early!! But have fun!
Return please for Part 2 tomorrow....
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